It can come as a surprise to many that pet medicine available only on prescription can actually be purchased online. But these are changing times for the consumer, with practically everything available to buy over the internet. All that is needed is a credit or debit card, and an address to send them item to. Still, it is easy to understand why there is some doubt, with the usual practice being that the pet pharmacist requiring firm proof the particular drug or product is required. That proof was always provided by a written prescription signed by the vet. But if the buyer is never actually going to arrive in the pharmacy, then there is a problem over how the prescription can possibly be confirmed. Well, just as one can buy general cat or dog supplies, it is possible to buy even strong pet meds online. In fact, the system applied is quite straightforward and simple, making buying online a stress free experience that provides the level of convenience that the modern shopper expects. So, you can get anything from dog flea powder to cat wormer to horse products, bandages and ointments. How it Works By law, no dispensary is allowed to dispense prescription medication without a written prescription provided by the buyer. It is a system that has worked for decades, and it maintains a clear understanding between veterinary surgeons and dispensers. But when purchasing online, there is obviously no opportunity to hand over the prescription written by the vet. But this problem is solved by simply providing a scan or a photo of the original document, which can then be emailed to the online pet med store. This is the quickest way to provide confirmation, but alternatively, the prescription can be posted or faxed to the dispenser. Once the online store receives this confirmation, they are then free to pack and send your order out. Why Prescriptions Are So Important The simple answer is that the particular medicine in question is much more powerful than simple digestive tablets or flea powder. Just as with everything medical, human or otherwise, drugs can be very dangerous if used incorrectly, and so the provision of these drugs needs to be controlled. Only permitting sales when the need arises is one way of effectively controlling and tracking the use of these drugs. Some, of course, are more serious than others. For example, in the UK, Epiphen, which is used to treat epilepsy in dogs, can only be purchased online after the original prescription has been posted to the dispensary. A scan or photo is not acceptable. Check Out the Site Of course, it is not advisable to purchase medication over the internet until the particular site has been confirmed as reputable. In fact, this is essential, not just to avoid wasting money on poor grade medicines but to ensure the best health for your pet. Checking out the status of a site is not particularly difficult, however. The fact is that anything to do with veterinary activities is very closely controlled, just as online doctors are. The first thing that a consumer should look for on the pet meds site is clear association with the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons, or RCVS, the society that registers qualified veterinary surgeons in the UK. Also, the site needs to be registered with the Veterinary Medicines Directorate, or VMD, with which all dispensers of pet medicine must register. The VMD is also responsible for regularly inspecting registered dispensaries, both online and on the high street. Anyone curious over the legitimacy of a site should check with both of these bodies. Safe Low Cost Purchasing The number one concern is the health of your pet, but getting your dog supplies for a lower price is often too strong a temptation. The important thing to consider is that there is no reason that high quality pet meds cannot be found at low prices. The cornerstone of online business is that typical overheads do not exist, and therefore prices can be lower. That is why the best known brands, whether in dog, cat, bird or even horse products, are available at a fraction of the prices quoted on the high street. The quality is the same, and that ensures the highest possible chance of a pet recovering full health. Buying online, even prescription medicines, is just as safe and reliable as the traditional way.
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