Laura Guttridge is a popular celebrity, a former swimsuit model-turned animal activist and author. She holds regular protests for preventing the killing of animals and raise awareness about their ethical treatment. She has organized numerous protests and campaigns to prevent any cruelty against animals and has been arrested twice for her attempts. Presently, she is promoting a vegetarian lifestyle through PETA’S vegetarian starter kit. This kit has everything you need to be a vegetarian. It is a complete pack of all the recipes and tips on making the tough switch.
Guttridge, a vegetarian herself, advocates that meat is destructive for the body and vegan diet helps you to stay healthy and fit. It also reduces the health-risks and diseases that are found in many meats and animal products. She encourages the people to go on a vegetarian diet because every year meat industry terrifically kills billions of animals.
She also promoted a vegan diet at the 20th Gala for The Animal Rights Foundation of Florida by dressing up as lettuce lady. The event was attended by many famous celebrities including Pamela Anderson and was hosted by Bob Barker. Other significant achievements of Guttridge include a ballot initiative in 2002 where Guttridge was the top signature collector and it helped in banning the confinement of pigs on factory farms in Florida. Based on her a real life experience, she Laura Guttridge has written a book titled -Gypsy the Christmas Cat-. Her husband, Bobby Guttridge inspired her to write this book. It teaches the kids to be kind to love and respect animals. It’s easily available at different online book stores and you can buy it for your kids. She has also co-hosted an online program called Dr. Josefina’s Way, which can be viewed at