How To Prevent Pet Deaths With Essential Oils

Essential oils are great for promoting a healthy life and aiding the body to get rid of sickness. Most people did not know that the oils are not only great for humans though, they are great for using on your pets for the exact same reasons. Many pet owners want the best for their animals and want to prolong their lives as long as possible, and essential oils can help with these desires.

Uses for Oils

Pets have health needs that are easily treated with essential oils. These are perfect for owners who are looking for a more natural approach to helping their pets. Some of the most common oils that are used on animals are the following:
-Purification oil: Great for keeping away fleas, ticks, and mosquitoes. Also can treat ear infections in animals. Just massage a bit into the base of the ears and on the inside of the ear flaps, but never put oils inside the ear.
-PanAway Blend: Perfect for aiding in pain control, relaxing muscles, ligaments, and tendons
-Geranium oil: Also great for pain control and infection prevention
-Cistus and Cypress oils: Both are helpful for reducing swelling and controlling pain
-Citrus Fresh oil: Helps to clean fur and keep it looking shiny and smooth
-Frankincense oil: A milder oil ideal for small pets and birds to help combat tumors, wounds, infections, and fungus
-Lavender and Peppermint blend: Great for helping combat infection and speed healing after injuries. Also repels parasites, calms nervous, and can help sleep
-Thieves: Very helpful when treating any dental concerns as well as dressing minor wounds, abrasions, and lacerations.
-Valor: Helps relieve itching

The Processes for Usage

Using oils on animals may take a little bit of learning but it isn’t too hard. Most animals don’t fight against using the oils because they like the smells for the most part. If they are having a bad reaction, simply use a different oil and see if they like it better.

Before you give an oil to an animal you need to know the right amount. There are dilution rates, just like for humans, based on weight. Large dogs and animals don’t usually need any dilution, but if you have any doubts, it is best to start off with mixing it with a really good carrier oil. A smaller dog or cat that weighs under 20 pounds should have the same amounts and dilution rates as a small child. A horse or cow is going to require more oil than a human because their weight is significantly more as well.

There are different ways to apply the oils to the various kinds of animals. Absorption through the paws is a much faster way to get the oil into the animal while animals who have hooves are going to require the oil to be massaged into the spine or applied directly to the affected area. Other areas to consider when applying oil to a small or medium sized animal is to:
-Apply the oil on the belly or other area where there is thinner skin
-Let the animal smell it right out the bottle or your hands
-Put the oil in your hands and just pet the animal from head to toe

Always start with less oil than you think is necessary, especially if the animal is sick or toxic. The oils work in a way that detoxifies the body through the cells and if you apply too much at once, you may overwhelm the body. You can always give more later, so there is no rush to give them too much oil in the beginning.

Prevention and Healing

No matter what the reason is for applying essential oils to your animal is, the thing that matters most is that you are helping your pet to feel better. Oils are great antiseptics that cleanse the body and rid toxins that may be floating around in the animal’s systems. Not only can you help your animal be healthy for longer, but through this you are essentially helping to extend the life of the animal. Don’t let infections or illness take your beloved pet away, start using essential oils to help them live a full life.